Monthly Checkup

Yesterday, I had my monthly checkup at Medical City. By the way, I changed OB this time and I feel good that I did because I learn a lot from my new OB. She is really good and I am more comfortable with her.

We heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time through Doppler. It was an amazing experience. Though it’s my 3rd pregnancy, it still feels like the first time. Every pregnancy is really different. The experience is unique in each child. Hubby recorded when my OB is checking the heartbeat. So far my weight gain is normal and I will continue taking my vitamins and I am not allowed to be in crowded places.

So far, I feel good but most of the time I am sleepy. I really can’t control it. But sometimes, I have to do something especially if I have some business meetings and work to finish.

Today, I am just here resting at our home. I hope I will get enough rest for this weekend because next week is going to be a busy week for us.