
So many things going on lately..

First, our internet in the office has no signal and it was affecting our operation for almost a week. Some of our agents can’t report to work because of our internet issues. We need to call PLDT every single day and they just gave us nonsense alibi! I even talked to one of the tech support but I don’t know where he got his tech knowledge! He can’t even explained in details about the issues. I asked him to do the test but it seems that he don’t know. Attention PLDT! I hope you will train your agents well because they just make things worse!

Second, both of my bank cards were disabled during holiday! When I called the bank, they told me to have it replaced in the bank branch. My goodness.. it was holiday and I needed my cash…  so all I need to do was wait…

Here comes Monday and I don’t want to go to the bank because I know it will be blockbuster.. I waited until Tuesday!

So I went to the bank and it took me almost 2 hours to have my new cards again that I need to cancel my other meeting that day because I stayed too long in the bank. So lesson learned.. never put all your money in the bank, I should have cash ready just in case the bank will just cut my cards during holidays!

We had dinner after and my favorite is Seafood rice, it somehow makes me feel good. Then I went to department store to get some clothes for Gareth.

We also take out some Empanada, just in case I will get hungry in the traffic.

While putting Xavier to sleep. He’s so sweet at first but later on he got mad at me…

Then we had this strawberry as our midnight snacks. I like strawberry with salt only.

I worked until 4am…

That’s my day…