My Life Through Pictures
When you received succulents from South Korea, no need for you to cut the roots or stem. You can repot them immediately.
In my case, I let them rest for 24 hours then I repotted them.
So here how they look right now…
These are my first Kpop (Korean) succulents collection and before I ordered them, I also researched on how to take care of them. It’s not easy but if you love what you are doing then it will be easy along the way.
I hope all of them will get adjusted to the weather here in the Philippines and they will continue to grow healthy everyday.
I also hope and pray that all of you are doing well despite this pandemic and I hope you will find a hobby that will make you focus on the positive things.
Have a great day everyone!
Yesterday, after I checked the garden around 7pm, I went inside and hubby saw the DHL package and he asked me if I already checked it… then I remember that it was DHL so it was from outside the Philippines.
I hurried and checked the package and saw that it was from Busan, South Korea! OMG!! I got so excited.. I immediately opened it because I was waiting for it for a month now.
Finally, they are here! I was so happy….
I really can’t believe how these tiny plants make me so happy since I started collecting them.
So, I opened the package and to my surprise the packaging is so perfect, the plants are so healthy and I can’t wait to repot them.
After air drying the succulents for 24 hours to 2 days, I need to repot them. I am using the loam soil that I got from a nearby garden shop…
After repotting them, I will not water them for a week. Since, I cut their old roots, I need to stress them to grow new roots by not watering them. Succulents usually don’t need more water because they have stored water through their leaves. If you keep on watering them, it can cause root rot that will eventually kill them. So be careful when watering them. You have to check if the top soil is already dry before watering them again.
When I received my succulents, I need to clean it by removing the soil from Benguet where most of the local succulents come from.
After cleaning it under the running water, I need to cut the old roots and let it dry for 1 to 2 days.
After 2 days, I am going to repot them in a new dry soil, then I will place them in a bright shaded area and I will water them after a week.
So that’s it… I will be posting the repotted succulents next time.
Happy planting everyone!
I ordered a new planter for my succulents and I am so excited for this. I am now taking my time to collect succulents because I am still learning on taking care of them. I keep on watching videos on how to take care of them and so far I am learning a lot.
This new hobby of mine somehow made me focus on the plants rather on the pandemic. It takes away my mind of worrying too much. It made me feel excited on waking up each day and checking my plants and I think that is the purpose on why I started this hobby. For a long months since the lockdown due to pandemic, I just stayed at home. I started to worry and got depressed because most of the time I am just inside the house and just watching news about the pandemic. Sometimes, I feel so depressed that I can’t focus to do my work. I was really affected and there were times that I don’t want to do anything, those things that I love doing was nothing for me. I lost interests in things. Then I realize that I should do something, I need to divert my attention to make me see things differently then planting is a big help. So now that I am really into it, I feel okay and I think that’s what really matters most.
So expect more posts about plants from now on. I will keep you updated for my little collection.
Happy planting everyone.
What makes us busy nowadays are going to the farm and taking care of my plants.
Last Sunday, we finally put the welcome sign in our little farm. I bought it online and I find it cute in our entry.
I bought this rose cabbage succulent 2 weeks ago and I am glad that it is doing good. I air dry it for 24 hours only then repotted it right away and so far it looks great.
Just by seeing my plants doing good somehow makes me feel good. This new hobby somehow excites me going out to the garden and check my plants every now and then. Before I start working, I make sure to check on them. I am happy that most of them are healthy.
I bought 2 new mums the purple pink and the white. It is an additional for my yellow one. Now they look so pretty and I can’t stop appreciating them.
The succulents above them are already exposed in the sun and rain. They are my stable plants already so I somehow stressed them to let their true colors out.
Everytime I saw flowers from my garden it somehow made me feel so good. It made me happy.
I started planting last July and since then I never stop planting. I keep on buying succulents and flower plants.
Everyday, I checked on them I am glad that they are growing beautifully.
This somehow helps me with my anxiety and worries lately. Because of so many things going on right now, we need to divert our mind to do something productive and planting is one of my stress reliever lately.
So, if you are not yet into planting I think you should give it a try…
I hope you are all safe and healthy!
So here’s the update of my succulents collection.
I never thought that I can collect this much and I am enjoying it.
I can’t stop buying online different kinds of succulents. I have rare and common.
When my orders arrived, I just let them rest for a day and then I will start cleaning them. I throw the old soil and wash the roots. I even cut some of the unhealthy roots and leaves.
Then, I let it air dry for 2 – 3 days then I start repotting them.
So far, there was no casualties. My succulents are healthy and I am so happy everytime I look at them.
Though we are in this trying times because of the pandemic, somehow taking care of my plants helps me makes feel better.
I have less anxiety and I can now focus on my work.
This brings me a happy feeling and somehow it made me feel positive.
I realized that when I am happy, everything around me is good. I am now inspired to work and to make my business grows more.