New Planter

I ordered a new planter for my succulents and I am so excited for this. I am now taking my time to collect succulents because I am still learning on taking care of them. I keep on watching videos on how to take care of them and so far I am learning a lot.

This new hobby of mine somehow made me focus on the plants rather on the pandemic. It takes away my mind of worrying too much. It made me feel excited on waking up each day and checking my plants and I think that is the purpose on why I started this hobby. For a long months since the lockdown due to pandemic, I just stayed at home. I started to worry and got depressed because most of the time I am just inside the house and just watching news about the pandemic. Sometimes, I feel so depressed that I can’t focus to do my work. I was really affected and there were times that I don’t want to do anything, those things that I love doing was nothing for me. I lost interests in things. Then I realize that I should do something, I need to divert my attention to make me see things differently then planting is a big help. So now that I am really into it, I feel okay and I think that’s what really matters most.

So expect more posts about plants from now on. I will keep you updated for my little collection.

Happy planting everyone.

Planting Time

We are now under MECQ and so far there are increasing number of Covid-19 cases here in my place. It is actually alarming and my anxiety level is now going up. I am trying to relax myself and I realized that I should start planting again. It is indeed my way of relaxation and somehow it helps me a lot.

I browsed online marketplace and I realized that I should start planting roses. Rose is one of my favorite plants and it made me feel happy everytime I see rose flowers. I bought some plants and they are so pretty!

I love waking up each day and checking them constantly. In the previous months during quarantine, I can stay inside the house all the week but right now I have a reason to come out. I need to check them.

I am also collecting succulents and I will post about it in the future. Succulents are hard to take care of, there are rules to follow and I am still learning about them. I started planting succulents and I hope that they will grow and multiply.

So that’s it for now… I am just glad that I have this new hobby and this somehow makes me feel better. Staying at home and thinking about the virus are really frustrating and I know that there a lot of people who are depressed already because of the situation right now but here I am trying to make myself look at the positive side of all these circumstances. There were days that we are unsure of what comes next but I realized that we should find ways to divert our mind so we can have a healthy mind and body. Having a healthy mind is crucial in this moment, because if we had a healthy mind, we can fight whatever is going on in our body. So everyone… make sure that you take care of your whole wellbeing because that what’s matter most this time.

That’s all for now… I’ll see you in my next post. Keep safe and healthy everyone!