Thank You 2014

Sunday Inspiration // Say Thank You and Grow

2014 is a great year for me. It is the year when Xavier was born. Our rainbow baby was born. I am glad that I gave birth without any complications. I am thankful that I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Having Xavier in our life is really a blessing. He is indeed our rainbow baby, because of him I believe that we should never lose our hope. We should continue to believe that God has a better plans for us.

In 2014, I open a new spa branch and through it I believe that I am capable of expanding my business. Managing a business is not easy. It takes dedication and patience and lots of prayers to make the business work.

In 2014, I am thankful for a better health. I am glad that I am now healthier than before. We are now more conscious on the food we take. I am thankful that finally I lost weight. I am not in my ideal weight yet but I believe that I can reach my goal soon because I know that I am on a right track now.

In 2014, our love with each other is going strong. My family is now more peaceful though we have differences but right now we are more matured to adjust to each other attitudes. I am happy the way it is now.

2014 is indeed a great year! I am thankful for all the people who stays with me through this journey. I know that there is so much to do but with God’s guidance I will achieve our goals.

Most of all, I am thankful for my husband, kids and siblings. They are my everything.


Happy New Year!

I welcomed 2015 with a blast!

I am thankful for all my staff for celebrating New Year with us.

We had our simple beauty contest and I am glad that everyone participates.

I required them to wear curtains as a gown so no need to spend for a gown. They are indeed very resourceful. I had fun seeing them perform because they are all talented.

We also have a dance contest for Antipolo and Angono Branch.

It was a blast!

When clock strikes 12, we gather together to thank God for a wonderful 2014 and we welcome 2015!

Happy New Year Everyone!