Sept. 15, 2016

We went to office late at night to bring the cakes for our September Celebrants. 🙂

My hardworking team!

Some of the team can’t even stand up to sing a happy birthday song since they are stuck on their seats, it’s a busy hour for us but still we manage to slip it. 

I woke up around 2pm today and decided to spend the rest of my afternoon with the kids. So I let Xavier take his afternoon nap while I am watching tv. He slept while I am scratching his back. He just love it and we are the same, I can’t sleep without hubby doing this to me too.

He’s so active the whole time. So energetic that I got so tired watching him but I love every moment of it. He likes his bike so much and he can spend his whole day riding it.

There was some challenges today at the office and I am glad that we addressed it immediately.

I am excited for the coming months… I hope that God will grant my simple request.

How’s your day?