
Ewan ko ba, gulong gulo na ako sa katawan ko. After I fainted 2 times, I decided to stop taking my metformin medication because it has negative effect. But lately, I always feel tired and I have muscle pain all over my body. I don’t know if I am still adjusting because of my business at kahit madami akong nararamdaman, i make sure to run my business well.

There are days that I got frustrated because I know that I can’t function well. Thank goodness at tinapos ko na ang metformin ko. Ilang araw na rin akong hindi nahihilo at kung meron man tolerable na.

Lately, I checked all my symptoms and found out that I maybe have Fibromyalgia.

The defining symptoms of fibromyalgia are chronic widespread pain, fatigue, and heightened pain in response to tactile pressure (allodynia). Other symptoms may include tingling of the skin, prolonged muscle spasmsweakness in the limbs, nerve pain, muscle twitching, palpitations,[23] functional bowel disturbances,[3] and chronic sleep disturbances.[24]

Many patients experience cognitive dysfunction[6] (known as “fibrofog”), which may be characterized by impaired concentration,[25] problems with short[7][25] and long-term memory, short-term memory consolidation,[7] impaired speed of performance,[7][25] inability to multi-task, cognitive overload,[7][25] and diminished attention span. Fibromyalgia is often associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms.[7]

Other symptoms often attributed to fibromyalgia that may possibly be due to a comorbid disorder include myofascial pain syndrome, also referred to as chronic myofascial pain, diffuse non-dermatomal paresthesias, functional bowel disturbances and irritable bowel syndromegenitourinary symptoms and interstitial cystitisdermatological disorders, headaches, myoclonic twitches, and symptomatic hypoglycemia. Although fibromyalgia is classified based on the presence of chronic widespread pain, pain may also be localized in areas such as the shouldersneck, low backhips, or other areas. Many sufferers also experience varying degrees of myofascial pain and have high rates of comorbidtemporomandibular joint disorder. 20–30% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus may also have fibromyalgia.

Source: Wikipedia

All my symptoms are related directly to fibromyalgia. I realized that since I am in High School, I am constantly in pain and until now, I have leg pain and just to minimize the pain I let hubby massage me. It really helps a lot.

For the whole weekend, I found ways to overcome my fibro. I know it’s hard, I have to deal with it every day of my life and I will do everything to still live a healthy and normal life.

For the coming days, maybe I will blog more about my condition, to give awareness to people around me and for those who don’t have any idea about it.