>All About Omega 3

>Yesterday I bought Omega 3 supplement because I just think that I need it. Here are some facts about Omega 3:

Omega-3 fats help you burn fat by helping your body respond better to a hormone called Leptin (Leptin is the Greek word for thin) and…

  • Leptin tells your body (your brain) to suppress your appetite making you eat less so you can maintain or lose weight and…
  • Leptin increases your metabolism by increasing your thyroid output (your thyroid regulates your metabolism) and on top of all that…
  • Leptin also causes your body to burn fat for energy so…

If your body isn’t responding well to Leptin then the reverse happens – You’ll be hungrier, and you’ll store more fat so… You can take Omega-3 fats to help your body respond much better to Leptin so you can increase your fat-burning metabolism

The best sources of Omega-3 fats are Omega-3 supplements or… You can also eat Salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, flaxseed, pecans, walnuts, hazelnut, butternut, mackerel, anchovies to get your Omega-3 fats and…

Here’s 3 more ways Omega-3 fats control your weight

  1. Omega-3 fats help you control your hunger by stabilizing your blood sugar levels and…
  2. An Australian study showed that when people took Omega-3 fats while on an exercise program burned more fat than people who Only Exercised (without taking Omega-3 fats) and people who exercised & took other types of fat and…
  3. Studies done in Japan & The Czech republic suggest that Omega-3 fats prevent the creation of ugly body fat and these same studies suggested Omega-3 fats promote more fat burning.