Mom’s Rant

Last night was crazy. I went home from the office worrying because Gareth have fever for 2 days. Later that night, we found out that he has rashes in his mouth, hands and feet. So we never wasted time, we went to the hospital.

The doctor checked his rashes and found out that he has foot and mouth disease.

The difficult part is giving him medicine. So I want him to stay in the hospital but they don’t have room vacancy, we are in Medical City but still no rooms are available and we need to wait with the 30 others. The ER is crowded already.

So we decided to go home and just give his medication at home.

Everytime Gareth got sick, I always see to it to bring him to the hospital because he can’t express himself well because of his autism. That is really a very difficult part. I often explain it to the people around us if he is not in the mood. Just like last night, while we are in the ER, he is so stressed out and keeps on crying that may disturb others. I also need to discuss it to the doctors his case because sometimes he is not cooperative everytime someone wants to check his vital signs.

This is just some of the difficulties of having a special child but I accepted it with all my heart and I will continue hoping that Gareth will eventually adapt the normal environment.

God Bless everyone!