16 Weeks Pregnant

My rainbow baby is now on the 16 weeks. I feel better now. I don’t feel any morning sickness. Thank God, because for the last 3 months I don’t feel like moving and it’s hard for me to plan.


Sometimes, I can feel the baby’s movement and worried if I don’t feel anything. The baby is still too tiny to recognize the movements all the time. I am praying so hard to have a healthy baby. Please say a little prayer for us. 🙂


There are days that I can’t still believe that I will be holding a new baby soon. I am forever thankful to God and Mama Mary for this amazing miracle and blessings. My heart is really overflowing of joys and love.

This new baby is our new hope to live a better and brighter future. I am now excited everyday and all the pains seems gone away because I am expecting a new baby.