First Year Angel Anniversary

At first, I really don’t know how to celebrate this event but I later realized that it is worth celebrating. It is always my pleasure to have a child like Ayumi. I am proud that I am her mom. I am lucky to know her even for just a short time. I am happy that with her I know the feeling of having a daughter. I know how to laugh my heart out because she’s  funny little girl. I am so proud to be her mom. I am sure that Heaven gains a beautiful angel through her and I know that she will bring so much happiness in Heaven. It is indeed a beautiful place to stay because my daughter is there. 🙂

We visited her place yesterday and stayed longer. We bring her favorite food and we just talked about her. I miss her so much but I am trying to let her go. I am trying to move forward. It is a year full of pain, emptiness and longing. It was difficult and we have so many first without her.

I believe that she is happy wherever she is now and I continue to believe that she will always guide and protect us always. She is truly our angel.

I also believe that it is about time to move on. I need to let go. I should not dwell much on the pain anymore. I should start picking up the pieces and continue to live a life that God designs for me.

I know that every now and then I will feel the pain and emptiness but I just have to deal with it one day at a time.

Mother Grieving Loss of Child -