Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all Father’s out there!

We are currently staying at Eastwood Richmonde Hotel for 4D3N for FREE! Yes we are here for free!! We are so happy that we celebrated it here. Yes, we got free because we bought 2 condos from Megaworld and staying in Richmonde Hotel is free as an incentive for the buyers. So this is really cool!

I got a chance to just sleep longer this time and everytime we wanted to go out to the mall, it is just below our hotel and this is really so nice because just below us the mall we frequently visits. We had our little shopping and dining for 3 days now and I think I have to stop for 2 months because I don’t want to get to used of it.

Anyway, I should be blogging about Father’s day!

So we had our lunch at Cibo, Eastwood Mall then we just go around the area then we eventually got bored and decided to go to Shangrila Mall. I bought hubby a new pillow from Muji and he really loves it. We want a pillow that is from Muji and Ikea because we don’t want a pillow that is super soft. Hubby is excited to use his pillow when we get back home. After our window shopping in Shangrila Mall, we went to our Spa to check on my staff and because it’s payday, I need to be with them to distribute the moolah.

So to my husband:

Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful husband! Thank you for taking care of us. You are really the best father! I am lucky to have you! I love you so much!

We celebrated Father’s Day that way… full of love and adventure with our kids.

How’s your day?