Feeling Good

I am now back working in our office. After years of not going here everyday, I am now back and I might stay for good. Our schedule is from 9pm to 7am and I need to stay during those times to monitor our team. So far, we go live for 2 days already and our clients are happy. We need to maintain the quality of our work. We are also looking forward of welcoming new clients and I am excited for it. The downside, I am not with the kids all the time but I see to it to spend quality time with them. I am trying to explain to Gareth and Xavier that I need to work and I am glad that they understand us.

Maybe I just miss those days that I just stay at home most of the time. I need to do this little sacrifices so that we will never experience again what we’ve experienced in the past months. We really need to focus to make this new business grow. When we hit the bottom of our career and finances, I realized so many things. As a business owner, it is my responsibility to make it grow. It is my duty to provide welfare to my family and to our team.

There are so many responsibilities but I believe with the help of God, I know we can make it.