Father’s Day

I am so lucky to have a great partner. He takes care of me and our kids so well. He managed to provide everything. He is my rock…

Happy Father’s Day my Dear!

Here are some of the throwback pics!

When Gareth was born, you really take care of him so much. We were both new to parenthood that time but with our partnerships we were able to raise Gareth well.

Gareth with Daddy

Ayumi with Daddy

When Ayumi was born, it seems that we are an expert already since we know so well since we already know how we raised Gareth but we never thought that when we lost Ayumi, it was the hardest moment of our lives. It was so hard to handle and until now I really don’t know how we survived. Maybe because of our unending support and understand we made it. I love it when you listen to my heartaches, when you comforted and when you just listen and keep quite the whole time. You helped me cope with my depressions and anxiety.

Xavier with Daddy

Now that we have Xavier, we were both happy at the same time with fear. We are so afraid of so many things. I understand because we both experienced lost. Though we have fears, we never let it control us. We never let that fears handle us. We are trying to overcome that fear by showing more love to Gareth and Xavier. We are showering them love because we believe that it is the only way to overcome fear.

You are such a great partner in life and thank you very much!

Happy Father’s Day to you!