Quality Time

In between our busy schedules, We see to it to spend quality time with the kids. It is always our ways to spend time with them in a separate dates. When we were busy shopping for our office supplies, we decided to bring Xavier and Gareth with us.

When we have Xavier along with us, I need to sit at the back of the car because most of the time Xavier is sleeping.

We bought him new toys and he was so happy.

When it’s Gareth time to go out, he was so excited and he even prepared his clothes.

Gareth is easier to manage and he loves going out with us. He is always looking forward for our weekly dates. He loves staying in the coffee shop and just chilling. He particularly like Starbucks donut.

Sometimes in between managing our businesses, I just feel the emptiness. I don’t know but I just feel the need to stop of what I am doing and I just want to be with the kids. When anxiety attacks, I have no choice but surround myself with the kids, just being with them is enough to ease the pain. With Gareth’s kisses and hugs are the great assurance that he’s always here for Mommy. Gareth is very sensitive of my emotions, when I am not feeling good he is always around. When he feels that I am not okay, he don’t want to play. He just want to stay close and he keeps on kissing and hugging me. Xavier is very talkative, he keeps on asking questions and curious about everything. The way he distract me from my emotions is really helpful, when he started dancing and playing, I can’t help but feel good and thankful that he came into our lives in a right time. He is indeed our rainbow baby. He always know how to cheer me up.

I still feel that emptiness and maybe it will be like this forever and I will continue to struggle this emptiness but with Gareth and Xavier’s help, I know I can face this and hopefully recover from it.