Mothers Day 2017

Though I am a grieving Mom, I still need to celebrate Mother’s Day for the sake of Irish, Gareth and Xavier who value me as a Mommy. I need to show to them that no matter how broken I am inside, I can take it aside and still celebrate this moment with them. I realized that I should do this though it’s hard for me, but because I wanted to create more happy memories with them. I want them to remember this moment that I cherished them, that I value them so much.

So we went to Megamall to attend mass and celebrate.

We went to a Japanese Resto.


Here are our orders:

When Xavier says, Mommy lalab… meaning he wants hugs and kisses.

This is our decent picture that day. 🙂

Everyday I thank God for choosing me as a mother of my children. I feel so lucky to have them. They really brings so much good in my life. Through them, I am inspired to do good and to continue to work hard in order to provide them the best future. I am also dedicated to spend more time with them and to get involve in their everyday activity in order for me to know them more. I wanted to create more wonderful memories with them. I want them to feel happy and secure with me.

Despite my heartaches as a mom, I know that everything has a reason and somehow I learn to appreciate whatever I have now. I am grateful for all the blessings.

Though deep down in my heart… I still wish that Ayumi is still with us….