>TV Problem

>Clint, my nephew visited us. Gareth and him had a fight always because of little things. When Clint hold a certain toy Gareth will just grab it and it started a fight. Clint is the only child of my sis and he is also used to have his own toys and same with Gareth. Now that they are together it is hard for them to adjust.

This afternoon while I was taking a shower I heard them shouting to each other. They wanted to watch different channel at the same time. No one wants to give in.

What I did was turn off the tv and let them stay in 2 different rooms. It was a relief for me because they are both so noisy. I realized that I can’t stand to a noisy kids.

I wish I have 2 TVs so that they can watch whatever they want.

Anyway, Clint is 3 years old and Gareth is 2 years old.