Change of Routine

Lately, I realized that I should change my routine.

I need to exercise at least 30 minutes per day. Yes, from 3 times a week, I decided to do it daily because I know that my body needs it.

As the head of the company, I should look after my health. I want my body and mind to be perfectly fine since I need to be focus always and of course it will help on my decision making.

I usually wake up around 12 noon then I need to eat then after 30 minutes I need my 30 minutes exercise. Then I will take a rest for a while then I will start working until 3am to 4am.

Yes, that’s how I work everyday! Am I workaholic?

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of ebooks. Right now, I have 4 ebooks that I need to finish so I do it while doing my Cardio and while waiting for Xavier to come home.

That’s it…

I hope I will stick with my new routine…