>Inner Thoughts

>July 14, 1979, I was born here in CDO. I am the eldest daughter and granddaughter in my mother side. It took 6 years before my parents conceived me and because of that I am the favorite of my lola and titos and titas. When I was a kid I always dream to be successful. To go away in this place because I believe that my success is not belong here.

After graduating elementary, I am a full scholar in Cebu and so I have to leave my comfort zone. At first it was hard because I was used of being surrounded by people who loves me and give me so much attention but I know I have to stand alone. After finishing high school I continue my college education in Laguna and since then I seldom visited CDO. I miss everyone but I have no choice but to f0llow my dreams.

Eversince I left, I know in my heart that I will be coming back in this place but not the childish me but a new me. Some of them thought that I change a lot. I carry myself well from being nothing. Of course I don’t forget them.. they are my inspiration. They love me even more because despite of everything I always end up staying with them.

There are times that I wanted to build a house here where we can settle but I know this is not the right time. Or…. this is not the right place for me to stay for good. I love here but I can’t stay long. There are part of me wanted to stay but still I can’t continue to live a life here. I know my heart belongs somewhere…

But this place is my home…. na kapag napagod na ako alam ko may uuwian din ako but for now… let me continue my journey.

Until next time…

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