The Amazing Pickled Plum to Weight Loss


If you’re looking for a product that will help you shed the pounds and give you a full body detoxification experience while increasing your natural metabolic levels then look no further! This is the product for you! In fact it’s not just the next greatest and latest thing but a proven natural product that delivers results! Perhaps you are one of many who have tried everything under the sun just to drop a few pounds, and if you nodding your head saying, “yes that’s me!”, then this might be the answer you have been looking for.

Nutrifab, is a natural pickled plum infused with our special formulation and weight loss ingredients and comes packed with many powerful ingredients such as, the famous Garcinia Cambogia the hottest Fat Buster on the market today to help you shed fat without extra diet or exercise. Garcinia Cambogia inhibits the production of new fat in the body, and when the body is not making fat, its burning fat. Nutrifab is also packed with Probiotics which helps the body for good digestion and warding off infection and boosting the immune system, as well as helping to improve overall health and even fighting obesity.

Nutrifab is a natural pickled plum infused with our special formulation and weight loss ingredients and comes packed with many health and antioxidant benefits which include:

Vitamin A, potassium and dietary fiber, also phenols which help to prevent oxygen damage to cells. Their soluble fiber slows down absorption of glucose, stabilizing blood-sugar levels. One of the best foods for vitamin K, and vital for strong bones and blood clotting. Much of the antioxidant power of Nutrifab can be attributed to the high levels of hydroxycinnamic acids, a type of phenolic compounds it contains. The hydroxycinnamic acids present in prunes include neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids, both of which appear to be highly effective at scavenging free radicals. In addition to hydroxycinnamic acids, prunes and plums are rich in anthocyanins, flavonoid pigments with strong antioxidant properties.


If you are interested to purchase NUTRIFAB you can text at 0917 880 0164 or email me at

Price: Php1,500 (10pcs. Pickled Plum)

Payment Method:

Bank Deposit (Metrobank), Western Union, LBC, Cebuana