Time to Slow Down

Having a 3 month old baby is not easy. It seems that I can’t do anything anymore because I need to be with him 24/7. It is a fulfilling job to be with my kids but as a business owner, I also need to focus on my business. I need to take a time to look after my business even staying at home. I am just glad that I can do staff meetings at home.

But… soon I will be coming up something big so all I have to do now is just relax and wait for that moment.

Since I am very workaholic, so staying at home and not doing so much is really a big challenge for me.. but I am keeping it easy. So while I am taking it easy, here I am just taking most of my time taking care of the kids, doing my crochet and of course doing some paintings which I now learn to like.

I make sure that while I am staying at home, I am still productive and most of all doing the things that I really love.

Just today, I am staying the whole day inside the room because I’ve been reading a blog that I just discovered then later at night I need to go the spa because I need to interview some new applicants for the spa. I just love that I can do things what I love most at the same time I am still doing my business.

Being with my kids is what my desire… I just love everytime I witness all their firsts. 🙂

I believe that really there is rainbow after the storm. 🙂