My Thursday


I should be going out today but due to APEC, some roads are closed and there are heavy traffic everywhere I cancelled my appointment and just stay at home.

There are so many things that needed to be done but the internet connection are not stable so I have to do some break in between works.

I am glad that I finished reading this book. It’s quite depressing but I love it. I learn so much about this book.


As what I said, there are so many things going on right now and it’s really overwhelming. I need to focus on so many things but there are time that I really can’t and that is the best time to have an ice cream. When I feel something like this, I just need an ice cream or coffee, then hoping that I can go on with my work.

I am painting lately but I can’t post it yet because I am not yet done. Yes, painting is something that can help me focus. It helps me a lot, maybe emotionally and mentally. It’s been months since I hold the brush but I am always looking forward for it. I still keeps on buying canvass and paints and I think it is about time to do something about it.

So that’s it…  this is the result if I cannot go out. I hope everything will be back to normal after APEC.