Sephora Orders

My order from Sephora

I thought it will take longer but to my surprise it was delivered faster than I thought!

I always wanted to order this Peach Eyeshadow Set but I always set it aside because it was quite expensive, until I realized that I really like it so… 

I love the colors and the smell! 

I am a happy shopper! I just need to finish some of my makeup because I already have enough. 


Gareth’s Request

Gareth loves to swim and he keeps on requesting for it but since we were busy we always let him wait.

Until today…

Hubby bring the kids to the nearby pool! They stayed for an hour which makes the kids so happy!

By the way, we bought this buko pie in Tagaytay and perfect for their snack after swimming.

The kids was so hungry after the swimming.

While they were away, I was alone and it’s my time to watch TV and just chill. 😀

Happy Gareth!

Gareth really loves water and I’m glad that I let him have his swimming lesson when he was younger, it somehow made me feel relax that he can swim without us worrying too much.


We are hiring and interviewing applicants weekly.

We need to complete the number of agents needed before April 8.

We are almost on our target numbers and I can’t wait to meet them all.

Though we are busy, we always make sure to have time together.

ookay.. I’m showing my OOTD.

How’s your day?