Yay! My Birthday Month!!


It’s been a quite a while that I am excited for my birthday. For the past years, I was not this excited. I just let people around me do the preparation and sometimes I don’t even want to celebrate it. I was not in the mood for celebrating it in the past years because I feel so empty back then. I lost a child and I think my life was over too. I’ve been in different phases of grieving and it was not easy. Sometimes when it hit me, it feels like I don’t want to do things anymore and it usually hit me during my birth month. It was quite frustrating but I just let myself feel everything. Then, suddenly I realized that I think it’s about time to start picking myself again. So there.. I started going out and focusing on the businesses because while I was grieving, I don’t spend much time thinking for the business. I don’t have new ideas for the business and I just let the people around me, whom I trusted to run the business.

But then, I realized that I should move on and do things that are necessary before everything I worked on the past years will just go away.

So slowly I gained my pace back…

Yes, I am back and I am so excited!

I will be turning 38 this month and I hope it’s going to be an awesome year!