Mother’s Day

I got these surprises from hubby.

I am so thankful for all the efforts.

Actually, I really don’t like celebrating Mother’s Day.

When I lost my daughter, I stopped celebrating it. I don’t really feel the day anymore.

When you lost a child, you will see things in way different than before.

Everyday I have this feeling of emptiness, a feeling that no one can make you feel better no matter how the good situations are.

But then things changed..

Now that I have Xavier and he greets me.. I realized that maybe I should give it a try.

It is going to be so unfair for him if I will stay in that sad place.

He deserved to see the happy Mom part of me.

I don’t want to lose that glow because of the pain I had in the past.

I don’t want to create that image to my son’s mind that I am in deep pain and sorrow because I know it will affect him as a person.

I need to make extra effort to show my appreciation in everything that his doing to make me happy.

I want him to remember me that despite of my pain I still managed to be happy.

But when I am alone, I’m still longing for those little hands to hugs and those lips to kiss me. I just miss my Pillow so much.