
We seldom visits gym nowadays because of our busy schedules. We see to it to visit at least twice a week. 

We just taking it easy and hoping to maintain it this way. I wish we can visit at least 3 times a week soon. 

I like going to the gym to free my mind and of course to have a physical activity because most of the time I am sitting and working with computers. 

Yeah, Christmas is coming and I am quite excited to shop for my team. I am excited to complete their wish lists and I know that it is one way of exercising. Oh well.. my favorite cardio is shopping. LOL


Live Blood Analysis

Lately, I am not feeling good. So many things going on with my system. I had allergies and vertigo attack so I decided to have my live blood analysis just to check the status of my health.

then.. I was so amazed of the results. My blood test went well and it was not that bad at all. Maybe, what I experienced is some hormonal changes since I will be turning forty.

Five years ago, I also had my live blood analysis and the result that time was not as good as now. My blood was so thick and I had some infections. I started taking supplements and watch my diet and do some light exercise.

It was good thing that I started it early and now my system is in excellent condition. I believe that prevention is indeed better than cure. So right now, I am just taking natural supplements to keep up with my health. I know that I can’t function properly if my health is not okay, so taking of my health is my top priority. .

If you are interested to have your live blood analysis, you can contact me and I can arrange it for you.