Rainbow Blanket

After 3 months, finally the rainbow blanket of Xavier is done. I am crocheting while watching TV at night. Actually, I don’t crochet everyday as much as I wanted because I have so many things to do but doing crochet is really therapeutic for me. Everytime I do it, I forgot all my worries and just focus on my project. It made me relax and just enjoy the moment.

Here’s the finish product:

It is quite big, a size of crib and it will definitely keep Xavy warm, specially if we are traveling. He can use it while he is in a car seat or stroller. This will be his constant companion. 🙂

Now, that I am done with it, I have to catch up on my reading and maybe start a new crochet project soon.


Crochet Color Guide

Yes, I am addicted to crochet and so far I order different yarn colors for weeks now. I have more than 10 yarns right now and still I am not yet done of some of my projects. I am really excited to post the finish products and I hope I can do it soon.

So if you are like me who are into crochet, here’s the color guide.

Color Combinations - for those of us who are bad at selecting colors that go together

I am creating a blanket for my kids and hubby right now. 🙂 So it is quite a big project for me.

Crochet Project

I always wanted to create something for the baby and I got interested in crochet. So I purchased yarn and hook set.

After reviewing YouTube crochet tips, I finally decided to start a beanie.

Here’s the finish product:

I never thought that I can make it but maybe I am just inspired to do it. So right now, I am busy doing a baby blanket and I will post it as soon as I am done. I am just taking my time and I hope that I can finish it in 2 weeks before the baby will come out. 🙂

How’s your day?